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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Seattle - passive aggressive?

Last year we were in Seattle and in my walking around in the downtown areas, i happened past this little sidewalk embedded marker:

I don't remember which office building it was in front of, but it gave me the impression of being invited over to friends house when your kids to play. One minute things are going great and the next it is time for you to leave, because you offended your friend's limited 6-year old sensibilities.

So one day, some Seattle folks are going to be walking to work - down this sidewalk like they always do M-F and on this Tuesday in the future - some guy is going to be standing behind that little triangle enforcing its threat.

Silly, eh?

Side note: Is only the area of the triangle covered in the threat?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think a six year old came up with the idea. Either that, or a rather bitter, angry, miserable employee.